Usage policy

Usage policy.

Peace, mercy and blessings of God.
Welcome, my dear visitors.
First of all, I want to thank you for your presence and your visit to my modest blog, Economics and Investment.

Terms and policy of use.

  1. Full commitment to the content of the blog and not to deviate from the aesthetic and moral appearance.
  2.  Not allowing comments outside of the literature and respect.
  3. Do not add any pornographic comments, images or links.
  4.  Do not add any ad links.
  5.  Avoid offending and external hints.
  6.  Do not allow any links to be added.
  7.  Away from political and religious conflict

In conclusion, thank you, my dear visitors, goodbye.
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مشاركة مميزة

الآن يمكنك تحميل النسخة 54 من متصفح جوجل كروم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته ، زائر ومتابع مدونة "تعلّم لتحترف" مرحبا بك أعطت شركة جوجل من لحظات الإنطلاقة الرسمية للنسخة...

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